Wednesday, May 18, 2022

About a dog

Amid the sorrow, there is a dog.

Where tears flow, there is a dog.

Where there is no one else to greet me when I come home, there is a (very energetic, bouncy, zoomy, excited) dog.

Where the car is otherwise empty, there is a dog.

Where her dad used to lay his head, there is a dog.

Without a dog, life after loss is more unbearable. Sadder. Lonelier. Less soft and fluffy. Less adorable.

Happy adoptiversary to my dog, my Bella (Bella Bear, Bunny, BB, Poodle, Little Love), my guardian angel on Earth, my source of happiness and strength and unconditional love. I couldn't imagine bearing these past 10 months without you by my side.


  1. It is such a blessing to have our wonderful pets to comfort us, ease our worries, make our days brighter,... I have a t-shirt that says "My Dog Rescued Me". This is really how I feel about my Casper. Having dealt with depression/anxiety for decades, we found each other at the perfect time. Happy Adoptiversary, Bella

    1. 100% Bella rescued me—definitely not the other way around. She rescued Vic, too, after Wags died. I'm so glad you have your Casper. 🥰


Life after two-and-a-half (almost) years

So here we are. Today is two years, five months since Vic went to be with Wags at the Rainbow Bridge. My old standard response to “How are y...